If the conversation of lips or how to augment your facial features has been the topic of discussion during your friends get together or you’ve seen plenty of it on news articles its more than likely they are talking about dermal fillers. With many people becoming curious about them, the chances of you or someone who you may know that has considered having dermal fillers are quite high. If you’re still wondering what they do and treat, then look no look no further as we uncover all things dermal filler below.
Are dermal fillers safe?
The material that makes the dermal filler is a safe substance called hyaluronic acid which is an injectable gel-like substance that closely mimic your body’s natural reserves of hyaluronic acid (HA). Hyaluronic acid is a substance found in your skin, where it provides a hydrating structure for your skin nutrients to pass through and helps your skin remain elasticated and bouncy. As we age, these reserves start to decrease which leads to loose skin which is why dermal fillers is used for restructuring and refreshing the face respectively.
Are dermal fillers permanent?
You may have come across several publications about how dermal fillers can leave you with scarring or read up on horror stories of how their treatment went south. The culprit in these cases are permanent dermal fillers that use materials like silicon and are not buildable, meaning that they cannot be amended or touched up to reach your desired results and come hand in hand with some heavy risks. Temporary dermal fillers, however, naturally dissolve in your skin over time much like your hyaluronic acid reserves do in your body. This happens at no complaint from your body, and the only way you’ll notice this is when your treated area begins to revert back to normal.
Who should perform dermal filler treatments?
Recently, there has been a rise in ‘Anti-wrinkle injections’ and beauticians performing dermal fillers, but this should not be where you go for your treatments as the environment is not sterile, and the correct equipment is often not used when you don’t visit a professional clinic. While beauticians and hairdressers can perform dermal fillers, as it’s not a regulated practice under UK law, this doesn’t mean that they should. It is always advisable to go to a medical professional who is equipped with in depth knowledge of your skin and body and are prepared and adept in treating with complications should they occur.